Computer Woes

Woes from advanced computer use - programming, open-source-undocumentatia, it-support-for-friends-and-family etc.


How to install mono 1.0 beta 2

Installing mono 1.0 beta 2, step by step:

1) Download the source packages from (believe me, source may seem like a hard way to do things, but in the end you'll thank yourself for not submitting to the dark side - rpms). I got mono, mcs, mod_mono, monodoc and xsp.
2) Untar all of the gz's
3) Starting out with mono-0.95:
3.1) PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/
3.2) export PKG_CONFIG_PATH (without this, configure won't find glib)
3.3) ./configure
3.4) make
3.5) make install
4) xsp-0.14
4.1) ./configure
4.2) make
4.3) make install
5) mod_mono-0.10

Have fun :-)
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