Computer Woes

Woes from advanced computer use - programming, open-source-undocumentatia, it-support-for-friends-and-family etc.


WTF are ward170 and ward180?

Got a little suspicious when I found two programs in my Add/Remove programs list named Ward170-I386 and Ward180. No hits on Google for either...

After a bit of hard drive searching I finally realized they were WAR-FTP installations. How about if people could be a little more descriptive in their descriptions?
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At 1:09 AM, Blogger CvillePete said...

thanks for sharing. i came across the same issue. luckily, you are the first hit. have you experienced any issues with those programs?

At 10:19 PM, Blogger Josh Munson said...

Agreed. I just saw this and was equally as pissed off. Thanks for posting this.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger chris said...

War FTP Daemon?

At 1:05 PM, Blogger chris said...

WarFTP Daemon


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