Computer Woes

Woes from advanced computer use - programming, open-source-undocumentatia, it-support-for-friends-and-family etc.


Long-time Gaim problem solved

I've been getting an error message (since like forever) each time I start Gaim on my Win XP computer at home: "The procedure entry point gaim_account_get_protocol could not be located in the dynamic link library gaim.dll". Gaim used to start just fine after that error, but since version 1.3.0 it wouldn't even start anymore. Thanks to some helpful pointers on SourceForge I've finally solved it. The culprit was an outdated plugin. To fix this error, remove bad plugins from the plugin directory of the Gaim program folder. In my case it was actually two bad plugins (tcl.dll and popup_notify.dll).
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