Computer Woes

Woes from advanced computer use - programming, open-source-undocumentatia, it-support-for-friends-and-family etc.


Programmers' programs

Found a nice OS program on - FileZilla. File transfer program that supports FTP and SFTP/SSH. With the UltraEdit text editor (although not open source and not free) that can open files directly in the editor from FTP/SFTP and Putty (Telnet/SSH client) your hardcore text-only programming environment is complete.
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Firewire card malfunction

Tried to plug a DV cam into the firewire card at work - a Hercules DV Action! DVD. It has worked before, but now - no. There are no drivers, it's supposed to work with Win XP's built-in drivers. It showed up as a trouble device ("This device cannot start") so I did the only drastic thing I could think of - I installed SP2. Now the firewire card shows up as a normal working device, but nothing happens when I attach periferals to it. Maybe it's just broken...

Update: tried the camera in a different computer and it worked fine - so the card probably is broken...
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Free DNS hosting

I'm switching jobs on september 1st and my old web hosting solution has to be rethinked. As step one I've moved my domains. Since I haven't decided on wether I'm getting a web hosting account or setting up a server somewhere (home?) I needed a separate DNS service.

I found It's free for 5 domains and they also handle mail forwarding for free. So far it's worked excellently so I can only recommend it.
#wapmarks - WAP links and personal phone startpage


Windows XP Service Pack 2

I told myself I'd wait a couple of weeks before installing SP2 since it supposedly changes a lot of security settings. However, after this link - - appeared on slashdot I couldn't resist.

Everything worked fine - and I installed the patched uxtheme.dll which make themes work without StyleXP. Only thing I've noticed is that some sites don't work because of their uncareful use of non-session cookies. I've heard that some versions of Nero 6 has issues, but that they are possible just warning messages.
#wapmarks - WAP links and personal phone startpage


Giving up on mono

OK, so I've spent a couple of days now trying to get mono to handle my ASP.NET webforms application. I can't get it to work reliably with MySQL (some records just don't show up in SELECT queries and numerous other problems).

Also, I still can't get mod_mono_server to work reliably. After working for a while really weird errors appear - like it can't find my classes etc. They usually go away when I restart mod_mono_server.

I think I'll just give up on this now. Despite that mono has reached version 1.0 it doesn't cut it yet. Too many irregularities and incompatiblities with Microsoft .NET.
#wapmarks - WAP links and personal phone startpage


Mono 1.0 - upgrading!

Mono suddenly stopped working for one of my files... Weird error message:

Cannot find assembly '/tmp/root-temp-aspnet/b16932e2/68959.dll'

Since mono 1.0 has been released, I decided to upgrade instead. Seeing how the last time was a real pain I decided to ignore my own advice and just install the rpms. So I downloaded the Fedora Core 1 packages and started installing. I finally got xsp to work, but mod_mono_server is still really unstable.
#wapmarks - WAP links and personal phone startpage